
Lifelong writing and reading addict.

A Book at Last

“Fiction is art and art is the triumph over chaos… to celebrate a world that lies spread out around us like a bewildering and stupendous dream.”  John Cheever Available for Pre-order Coming September 24, 2019 Available at Ingram Spark, Apple Books, and Amazon. I am super excited! My book, f-holes of MELANCHOLIA, comes out on …

Social Media Addiction

Chopin’s romantic songs play from the speaker and the dishwasher is swooshing in the kitchen, an apt metaphor for my life, this combination of technology, work and art. Bloggers tend to fixate on the ills of social media. It’s the latest buzz. Twitter is deemed the new cocaine. I don’t understand. Opting out of Facebook …

Bathroom Books

“The world seems never to offer anything worthwhile without also providing a dreadful opposite.” No one has ever quoted this sentiment so well. It’s from Stephen Fry’s MYTHOS.  This is my current bathroom book, best absorbed in small excerpts. I scrutinize each part twice to devour the wisdom and language, reviewing what I read the …