Books and Things

Social Media Wipe

My son recently recommended a documentary on Netflix, “The Social Dilemma.” After watching it, I did something I’ve considered for quite some time. I deleted my social media accounts. As of today, I’m no longer on Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, or Instagram.  P.S. They do not make it easy to delete an account permanently, but an …

Favourite Places

Hi friends, My book, f-Holes of Melancholia, did not make the finalist cut in the Whistler Independent Book Awards. It felt like failure for a few minutes. Then I had to remind myself that it’s an accomplishment to have written and published a book, let alone getting shortlisted for an award. So, I’m still thrilled …


Hi Friends, I’m over-the-top thrilled at some news I got this week and want to share it with you. My novel, “f-Holes of Melancholia,” is shortlisted for The Whistler Independent Book Awards for 2020—one of six books in the Fiction category. In mid-July, they’ll whittle that down to three finalists. They announce the winner at …