Fuzzy-deep thoughts from the middle of the night hover on the fringe of my memory. I’m sure this has happened to you: you wake up, go over the previous day’s obsessions, you try to recapture the gist of your dreams. Yesterday I was reading a book on wildfires. A few years ago, the Fort McMurray …
Clean out a corner of your mind, and creativity will instantly fill it. – Dee Hock Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? – Mary Oliver
About fifteen years ago, we came home to an unusual sight. In the previous weeks, crows had built a nest in the holly tree just outside the window of our 3rd floor apartment. It tickled me at the time. Thought it would be amazing to watch up close as they finished the nest, laid eggs, …
I love to keep a daily journal, but because I’m working on the final draft of a novel right now, I sadly cannot conjure up enough spare words in a day. In the past, I’ve dropped the practice when writing a book. Lately, if I come across an inspiring quote or line of poetry, I …
On January 26th 2024, Karl Medlicott, my husband, my friend, the man I’ve shared life with this past twenty-three years, died of colon cancer. He was only sixty-three—far too young. I deeply mourn the loss of him. Obituary Notice Karl Medlicottkearneyfs.com While Karl was sick, I came across this poem by Rebecca Allison, an American astronomer. …
Dear Mom, It’s been five years since you departed this life. I can hardly believe it. In a way, it seems like yesterday. About that letter you left for me—I should’ve replied to it sooner, but I’d put it away somewhere. When grieving, it’s easy to misplace things. I love you too, Mom. And yes, we’ve …
I woke up at 3 am last night with a revelation. Isn’t it strange how the shiny ideas tend to arrive in the wee hours? Lately, in the evenings, I listen to audio books to rest my eyes. This activity has the bonus of putting me to sleep as soon as I pop in the …
Happy March, or should I say, what happened to spring? A few weeks ago, I created this piece of stained glass digital artwork. My art projects often remind me to stay in touch with all of you. Lately, I’ve been neglectful of that. This picture also reminded me of my late father, Gordon Lincoln Hislop, …
Do you see what I see? I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, Peace on earth, and midnight clear, With a blazing Yule before us. So bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer. In the air there’s a feeling of Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s a …